Are you also one of those people who don’t feel energetic and fresh after waking up in the morning? Even after waking up from sleep, you feel tired, lethargy, weakness, you don’t feel like doing any work, you feel sleepy during the day and apart from this, you also feel mentally tired, you become irritable, get angry over small things, feel anger and frustration and are not able to focus on any work and apart from this, you feel hungry again and again, keep feeling like eating something, you start craving food and your weight is increasing.If there is something like this, then it may be that your sleep quality is not adequate and We will give you 5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep.
What happens is that when we do not sleep in good sleep-quality at night, When we sleep in fragmented sleep, then the level of stress hormones in our body remains constantly high. These stress hormones keep your body in a kind of inflammatory state due to which you feel very tired the next day and if this stress continues, then
over the years your blood pressure gradually starts increasing, you start getting diabetes, you start having heart disease, you start having stroke, you start aging quickly and the risk of early death and many chronic diseases increases and it is very easy to cure it, it is very simple, let us understand what you have to do.

Let us understand 5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep.
It is really very easy to fix this, it is very simple. what you have to do. There are five things that you have to do and five things that you should not do at all.
- Consistency : So first let us know which five things you have to do. So first is consistency.Keep in mind Whether it’s a weekend, holiday, or any other day, you have to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.The time of sleeping and waking up will be fixed. The earlier you sleep and the earlier you wake up, the better will be the quality of your life. And it is very important that there should be consistency in your sleep cycle.
- Room Environment : The next change you have to make in your sleep is room environment. The room where you aways sleep is very important to determine how good your sleep will be at night. So how should your room be? Your room should be quiet.
The lights in it should be less and dim. The room should be cool. The room should be comfortable. Your bed should be clean. Even your room should be neat and clean and full of positive energy. Apart from this, the mattress on your bed should to be cozy and comfirtable for you.
There should not be any unnecessary sounds or noises in your room. The better you keep your room, the better you will sleep at night. So changing your room is a priority. It seems to be a very simple thing to say and see, but it will change your life a lot. - Expose to natural light : The third change that you have to do is that when it is daytime and you are awake, you should stay exposed to natural light as much as possible, keep the curtains of your room open, keep the doors and windows open, everything so that the light coming from nature can reach your eyes and your body and as soon as it becomes evening and dark, you should start dimming the lights of your room and dim your lights one hour before sleeping. we are telling you this because our day-night rhythm works according to sunlight. Our brains have a pineal gland. which wakes us up and puts us to sleep according to sunlight.So when you get exposure to light during the day, that gland keeps you awake and as soon as the lights start dimming at night, it gives a signal to your body that now it is time to sleep, you should sleep and you get good sleep. That is why simple exposure to sunlight has a very important role in determining the quality of our sleep.
- Make a sleep routine : The fourth important change that you have to make in your life is to make your sleep routine. You make your morning routine, you also make your skin care routine, but we do not make a sleep routine for an important thing like sleep, which protects you from thousands of diseases.So what is a sleep routine?
When it is time for you to sleep, you have to make a simple routine half an hour to one hour before that, in which if possible, you have to take a bath with hot or lukewarm water because bathing relaxes your whole body, mind, everything, especially bathing with hot water because it increases blood flow in our whole body.
What to do after that, you have to dim the lights of your room and engage yourself in such activities that keep your mind and your body calm. What activity can it be like reading a good book, listening to some peaceful music or talking about anything relaxing that relaxes your mind. This simple routine will not only relax you, it will also improve your sleep quality and make your life overall very good. Apart from this, you can also include deep breathing or meditation in your sleep routine. - Include daily exercise : The last most important most magical thing, which will change your life in thousands of directions along with your sleep quality, is to include daily exercise in your life. How much exercise or physical activity is required?
You need to do 20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every day. 20 minutes is a very less time; it is just 5 minutes more than 15 minutes.
So you can at least take out 20 minutes from your daily life, and in this you can take a brisk walk, jog, run, play any sports activity, any such exercise that makes you breathless and increases your heartbeat. One important thing is that do not do exercise just before going to sleep. Because your body stimulate as well and it would be difficult to have a good sleep.
Those people who are in the overweight category. Or snore at night, one of the reasons for their poor sleep quality can be obstructive sleep apnea. if you snore at night because in this condition the methods to improve sleep quality are slightly different. In this you may also need a C Pap by Pap device. but for all other people these 5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep will change your life and your sleep.