Everyone wants to maintain a healthy weight, and no one chooses to be overweight or obese. Yet, many are unable to maintain their weight. Why? Because we believe that maintaining or reducing weight is a huge task, involving excessive exercise and strict dietary restrictions. But in medical science, reducing weight is not such a big task. We are starting a small initiative to reduce weight and also we will provide you Healthy Weight Loss Tips via this article. We will tell you how we should reduce weight. Share your weight with us in the comment box, and keep updating us by checking it weekly. Help each other so that together, we can create a healthy Nation.

How Urban Lifestyle Impacts Your Weight – Healthy Weight Loss Tips
Hello everyone, this is the Dfccbl team. As we all know Obesity is now a global problem or we can say epidemic, and why is that? It’s due to our urban lifestyle. There is a significant imbalance between energy consumption and expenditure in city life. How? In cities, it’s very easy to get high-calorie food. You place an order, and within 10 minutes, you get high-calorie food like pizza, burgers, or soft drinks.
Against that, we don’t do much physical activity to burn it off. Most people have a sedentary lifestyle; they work sitting at a desk and chair. Because of this imbalance, the calorie count keeps accumulating daily, gradually depositing as fat, and we start becoming overweight and obese.
Who Should Lose Weight? BMI, Waist Circumference, and Health Risks
Who needs to reduce their weight? All those males whose circumference or waist thickness at the navel level is more than 110 cm or 40 inches. All those females whose circumference is more than 88 cm or 35 inches. All of them are at risk of cardiac risk and diabetes and BP. All of them need to reduce their weight. If we talk of BMI (body mass index), then all those males or females whose BMI is above 25 come under the overweight category and those whose BMI is above 30 come under the OBC category.
How will you calculate BMI? It is very simple Just Divide your body weight in Kg (kilograms) by your height in square. Whatever comes out will be your BMI. Medical study says that if you reduce even 5% of your body weight, then the risk of blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, heart attack and stroke in your body reduces significantly. To reduce weight, you have to do only three things – exercise, dietary modification and behavioral modification.
Exercise is Needed for Weight Loss? The Medical Guidelines
We will understand these one by one. How much physical exercise do you need to do to reduce weight? Medical recommendation for this says that you need to do only 150 to 180 minutes of moderate to high intensity athletic exercise in a week. We will simplify it.
You have to do brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes every day, which means you have to walk fast. How fast are you walking? As fast as you can walk. As much fast your body allows you to walk, you should walk as fast as your maximum strength. And if you cannot take out 20-30 minutes of time at a time, then If you are exercising then you can complete this 30-20 minutes exercise in two-three times. If your body allows you more then you can do more exercise. But even if you do only this, your weight will start reducing.
Some Advice on Dietary Modifications
What is dietary modification? We have to maintain a deficit of 500 to 750 kilo calories from our daily recommended calorie intake. How will it be maintained? Males have to eat around 1500 to 1800 kilo calories daily and females have to eat 1200 to 1500 kilo calories. This is a sufficient amount of calories which will definitely fill your stomach.
How will you maintain this calorie deficit?
By reducing some things which were giving you high calories. There are many types of diets in this but the best medical diet is called low carbs and high protein diet. So reduce carbohydrates in your diet because carbohydrates give you a big junk of calories. Reduce simple carbohydrates and secondly reduce fat in your diet because fat gives you a very high amount of calories.
One tablespoon of oil contains 100 to 120 kilo calories. So if you replace your paratha with roti, then do not consume it. So you will get the calories description, a paratha has about 150 to 200 kilo calories and roti has only 70 to 80 kilo calories, so eating roti will fill your stomach and you will not get extra calories. Maintaining a deficit of 500 to 750 kilo calories is very difficult, so stop eating gravy vegetables and start eating normal vegetables fried in less oil with less gravy.
You get about 250 to 300 kilo calories extra from gravy vegetables. Now stop munching, munching means if you eat a packet of chips then you get about 300 kilo calories extra, by eating 100 grams of potato bhujia. you get 500 kilo calories extra and to burn these 500 kilo calories you know how much exercise you have to do, you have to run for about 1 hour and walk for 2 1/2 hours, then this calories gets consumed, so you can reduce your munching.
Replace them with good things like you take fruit salad, you drink simple vegetable soup, you can eat chickpea, you can eat sprouts and stop all these high calorie food items, stop sugar and cold drinks completely, you get approximately 150 kilo calories from one glass of cold drink, replace it with simple salty lemon water or coconut water.
Control Your Portion: The Key to Prevent Overeating
What you have to do next is to control the potion, stop at the point where you feel that I am about to get full, there is no need to overeat, if you eat normal food even after filling your stomach or till your satiety point, which does not have any excess free carbohydrates or excess oil, then you will automatically maintain a calorie deficit because if you are overweight, then there is a high probability that you must have been consuming excess calorie.
Along with this, if you walk for 22 to 30 minutes and maintain this lifestyle for 6 months, then medical studies say that just by doing this, there is a 10% weight loss in your body, which means you will lose roughly eight to 10 kg of weight and this is so simple that you can maintain it throughout your life, you do not have to put in any active efforts in it, this is a very simple lifestyle, the most important component is behavioral modification, improving yourself is the first thing in this.
Accept the problem, you should accept that you are overweight or obesity and we will fix it right now, for this you will give a positive response, ignoring that it’s okay, we will see tomorrow, we will see the day after, we will stop all this and start reducing it from today itself, number two, identify why you are overweight and obese because there is always some reason or the other, like your food habits are bad, you eat food repeatedly in excess without any reason, you do binge eating, which means you eat a lot of food at one go, you watch TV, munching while studying or doing office work, there are such things in your food habits that gym has very high calories, fat content, you repeatedly order high calorie food from the market, you keep grocery in your house in such a way that it has high calories, so after finding out all these problems, fix them yourself. Cut down on food.
If you order any such thing or while bringing grocery items home which is high in calories for you, then stop bringing that, control your portions and say that I will eat only this much in one meal, stop unnecessary munching completely, if you are doing any work then it is not that we have to keep something in our mouth all the time, there is no need for this, just eat food in whatever meals you have and change the way of cooking food, instead of making gravy or high-fat food, start eating simple grilled food without frying. The most important thing in all this is monitoring. You have to monitor your weight. You have to monitor your weight every day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Maintaining a Healthy Weight Feels Difficult?
Everyone wants to maintain a healthy weight but in medical science, reducing weight is not such a big task. Just implement these instructions which we have mentioned above content and “Join Our Weight Loss Initiative: A Small Step Towards a Healthy Nation.
Who needs to reduce their weight?
Those individual who have BMI (Body mass index) above 30 come under the OBC category.
How can we Calculate our BMI Easily?
Calculating Your BMI is very simple. Just Divide your body weight in Kg (kilograms) by your height in square.Whatever comes out will be your BMI.
How Much Exercise Do we all Need to Lose Weight?
Medical recommendation for any individual brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes every day.
Which Strategies Need to Implement for Effective Weight Loss?
To reduce weight, you have to do only three things – exercise, dietary modification, and behavioral modification.Which is already mentioned in the content.
What is the Major Cause of Obesity?
The Urban Lifestyle: A Major Cause of Obesity. Obesity is now a global epidemic. calorie count keeps accumulating daily, gradually depositing as fat.
Conclusion : Final Words
If you follow whatever I have told you, then you will lose half to 1 kg of weight every week and in 6 months you will reduce approximately 8 to 10 kg of weight. Number two, you have to monitor whether you did daily exercise or not, whether you did simple 20 to 30 minutes of walking daily or not. And thirdly, how many calories did you take daily. Whatever is your target, which I have just told, for how many days in a month are you taking that calories, make a list of it and monitor it. Maintaining a healthy weight is not a tough task.
You just have to maintain a deficit of 500 to 750 kilo calories, that too you can do easily by restricting oil and free carbohydrates. And you have to do a brisk or fast walk for 20 to 30 minutes. That’s it. And by doing only this, you can lose about 10% of body weight or 8 kg in 6 months. Hope you will do this and our All those people whose BMI is above 25 will be involved in this initiative. Please join us in this. Tell us in the comment box how much your weight is, update it every week and at the end of six months update us how much weight you have reduced and with this help others also so that they also become a part of this initiative. May you all stay healthy.