Are you the one like many people who find it difficult to swallow pills you’re not alone. We will teach you 5 best pill swallowing techniques but don’t worry there are things you can try to make it easier scientists believe they have found two good pill-swallowing techniques that help people who struggle to take tablets.
So before we describe the first techniques there are some tips to remember stand or sit up straight relax take a deep breath don’t talk and take a drink of water so that your mouth isn’t dry before attempting to swallow the tablet okay so let’s get started.
Here Is 5 Best Pill Swallowing Techniques
The Lean Forward Swallowing Techniques : Now this was found to be best for capsules put the pill on your tongue take a medium sip of water lean your head forward tilt your chin down towards your navel or checst and swallow.
Pop Bottle Technique : The second technique is the pop bottle technique this was best for chalky tablets put the tablet on your tongue close your lips tightly around a plastic bottle filled with water squeeze the bottle and suck water from the bottle as you tilt your head back.
Head Backward Method : Now if you’re still struggling to swallow your pill after practicing these techniques here are some other techniques. the head backward method place the tablet on the tip of your tongue take a sip of water tilt your head back and swallow use a straw method Place the tablet on beneath of your tongue use a straw to quickly drink water or any juice concentrate on swallowing and without thinking about the tablet..
The fizzy drinks method : Use a cold fizzy drink instead of water or juice put the tablet on your tongue and drink straight from the bottle the soft food swallow method try putting your tablet on a teaspoon of soft food like yogurt chocolate mousse or banana and then swallow them both together or try chewing a piece of bread until it’s really soft then put the tablet in your mouth and then swallow them both together now please check with your doctor or pharmacist before attempting this technique to ensure your tablets or pills can be taken with food..
Big Gulp Method : The big gulp method put the tablet in your mouth then drink as much water as you can holding. it’s all in your cheeks swirl the water around in your mouth for about 10 seconds then take a Big Gulp until all the water has gone the tablet should have gone with it now remember practice makes perfect you could practice the techniques using small tablet-shaped suets or bits of bread it’s best to start small and work up to something the same size as your tablet and don’t rush try to swallow two or three of each size site before you move on to a bigger one as swallowing does get easier.
Some Cautions While having Pills Or Tablets
Now there are some cautions so don’t throw your pills towards the back of your throat don’t tip your head back too much you swallow this can make swallowing more challenging. don’t crush or Break your pills open capsules or alter your medicine without getting medical advice cuz this action could stop the medicine working and functioning properly.
There some causes of swallowing problems could be due to the fear of choking which can make your throat tense and narrow when you try to swallow or if you have a dry mouth or if you have General swallowing difficulties for example due to conditions such as a stroke or conditions including multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease and do ask a pharmacist as other versions of your medicine that might be available for example you might be able to get it as a liquid or dissolvable tablet and they can advise whether crushing dividing or opening up the tablets or capsules is okay with your prescribed medication
Final Words
Lastly do remember that swallowing is natural you do it every time you eat or drink your windpipe is flexible and it does expand if it needs to when you’re swallowing a tablet your body works so that you do not choke by using a flap called an epic glotus which closes over your windpipe so the tablet can move slowly down your food pipe and some final advice don’t overdo it practice little and often and If you’re still having issues, don’t give up on learning how to swallow pills. it can be tricky and further help is available please speak to your doctor a nurse or a pharmacist and good luck.